Holiday notice in Chuseok season, Oriental Thanksgivinng Holiday in Ko…

페이지 정보


Chuseok-Lunar Thanksgiving holiday in Korea is comming shortly.

We, InYourSide notices the holiday as follows.


■ September 30 ~ October 9, 2017


During this holiday season, our manufacturing site and relevant suporting departments are not able to give any supports against your inquiries. However if you have any emergent quality issues, please contact to below contact freely.


■ Tel : +82-31-459-3377, E-mail : inyourside@inyourside.comi


 I hope your holiday will be fullfilled with joy and smiles. Happy Chuseok. !!

B. rds.

Hyun PARK / Chief chemical consultant​ of InYourSide


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TEL 031.459.3377
FAX 070.7006.3377

평일근무 시간 : 9:30 AM ~ 6:30 PM